Ezzeddin Nasafi: Oh, my friend

O, my friend:
Love makes the world of creation a possibility
and the ecstasy of ascension a will.
Look around yourself and see a universe
saturated by the fragrance of love.

If there were no love and endurance for
such longings, then who could beautify words
into majestic melodies?

If there were no breeze to gracefully caress the
hair of the beloved, then how could the lover
see the revealing face of the beloved?
Such longing is to gracefully return to the
Provider, in the state of perfection.

Oh, my friend,
do not become a slave of worship, but
understand the meaning of worship;
understand the meaning of Divine, Allah,
and practice to be pious and peaceful;
become a true human being, as becoming a
true human being is the key to salvation.

Oh, my friend:
if you have chosen an inner path, remember
that we all are travellers, our moments are
passing and we are passing with them.

Your wealth will not remain forever and your
pain will not last, so do not become a slave to
your wealth nor to your pain.

If you are a person of an inner path, then you
are a person of peace, so make peace with
yourself and your surroundings.

Ezzeddin Nasafi
Tr. Dr. Nahid Angha

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