
The prayer Salat begins with the salutation, ‘Most gracious Lord, Master, Messiah and Saviour of humanity.’  Although a number of figures are named –Rama, Krishna, Shiva, Buddha, Zarathustra, and so on–the prayer also gives beautiful everyday images such as the loving mother, the kind father and the rest to indicate that we are not addressing any particular prophet, guide or saint, but the divine Spirit of Guidance to be found in all names and forms.

We need guidance because we live in confusion, in darkness, and it is only by the light of understanding that we can begin to find our way. We have been separated from the Real by the veil of our own temporary identity; it is we ourselves who are our own limitation, and because of that heavy curtain over our eyes, we stumble like a person in a pitch-dark room, bumping into the unknown, falling and hurting ourselves, perplexed and fearful.

Some blessed souls have been able to drop the veil of ‘me’ and see their way clearly, guided by the light that streams from their own being; that is the meaning of the ‘illuminated souls’ in whose company we journey ‘toward the One,’ in the words of the `Invocation.’

The illuminated souls help us in every way that they can, by teaching, by healing, by guiding individuals and communities, but they cannot live our lives for us, nor would we want them to, for that would not fulfil the purpose of Creation.  In other words, to have faith in a great Teacher may open a doorway for us, but it does not bestow an automatic pass to the state of illumination.  The greatest gift that a great soul can confer upon us is simply to serve as an example of what is possible.  Not every soul that comes on earth is destined to be a Prophet or a Messiah, that is a rare and special destiny, and yet every soul, however humble or misguided, bears within it the very same spark of Divine light that the Prophets generously shed like torches upon all humanity.  That inner spark is the only light that can save us from our ignorance.



4 Replies to “Saviour”

  1. Shamsher van Hees

    Very inspiring. Every day I start with the prayers and my intention is to do them as focused as possible. One day goes better than the other day. Sometimes I really feel the connection with the illuminated souls. That feels very rich and helps me a lot during the day.

  2. Sue Headlam

    Dear Nawab,
    Thank you for all your inspiring words including these about the Salat. There have been so many wonderful thoughts that you have shared with us to reflect on including those from the retreat and since that I feel truly humbled by your words and inspiration
    Thank you so very much for sharing your profound guidance & insights.

  3. Nuria Daly

    Dear Nawab,
    This is a most inspiring teaching – and it is indeed by example of the great Beings that we learn and are inspired. Using the prayers as a portal into sacred space is something that we are learning.
    Thank you for your guidance!

    • kariem maas, the Netherlands

      ‘Using the prayers as a portal into sacred space’ – thank you, Nuria Daly, for this reflection on ‘Saviour’. A portal into sacred space, is an expression that appeals to me, because it doesn’t pinpoint , fixate the sacredness on a certain limited spot. Space is open. Nawab ended his blog by pointing at ‘the inner spark’ as ‘the only light that can save us’. For me it feels that my prayers open a portal that leads me into a sacred space within. Realising that, then, at the same time I experience that sacredness reflected in all creation. The inner spark turns out to be a huge, unlimited light. Saviour, saving and who/what is saved are unted. Thank you Nawab for this inspiration.
      Kariem Maas


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