Urs 2025 – The Voice of the Messenger

In the morning of February 5th, 1927, Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan passed from this world in Tilak Lodge, Delhi. For those who have felt the blessing of the Message to which he tirelessly devoted his life, this day is one on which we may remember him with gratitude and celebrate the precious gifts that he gave. May the divine wisdom of the Sufi Message live and grow in hearts everywhere!

Today especially it seems fitting to listen to the voice of the Master, and the audio clip below is a recording that was made in the Staatsbibliotek in Berlin on March 12th, 1925. Hazrat Inayat gives a short statement about the Message and then sings ‘Allah ho Akbar.’ The words spoken are also printed for the sake of clarity.

Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan, December 1925
The voice of Hazrat Inayat Khan, recorded in the Staatsbibliotek, Berlin on March 12th, 1925.

Beloved Ones of God, Sufi Message is the Message today being given to humanity. It is not a Message of the East, but it is the Message of the Soul, the Spirit. 
The Sufi word means wisdom, which comes from the root Sofia. It is the work of that wisdom to give the Message today to humanity, in order that people may come together in a better understanding arising beyond the different sections of castes and creeds which divide mankind. 
The Sufi Message is an answer to the cry of humanity today, at this moment, when materialism is all-pervading and commercialism is continually on the increase.
The Sufi Message respects all religions, recognises all scriptures, regards all the Prophets held in esteem by large sections of humanity, and sees the Source and Goal of all its Wisdom in One.

2 Replies to “Urs 2025 – The Voice of the Messenger”

  1. Amir Smits

    Urs Mubarak to all. May the Message of God reach far and wide.

    Thank you, Pir-o-Murshid Inayat, for bringing this gift to the world and for embodying the divine ideal so beautifully.

    Respect and gratitude to you, Pir Nawab, for all you do as the present guardian of the Message.
    Sending love, Amir


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