Tales: The Reports of My Enemies

Once, a traveler met a stranger on the road and they began to walk together. The traveler was impressed by the good looks of the stranger, and by his easy, friendly manner.  After a while he asked, “But tell me – who are you?”

“Oh,” said the stranger, “Don’t you know?  I am Satan.”

“Satan!” said the traveler, astonished. “But I have always heard that you are ugly and evil-tempered, mean-spirited and spiteful.  They say that the mere sight of you fills people with fear!”

“Ah,” said Satan, “you’ve been listening to the reports of my enemies.”

2 Replies to “Tales: The Reports of My Enemies”

  1. Shamsher van Hees

    Very interesting story about Satan. We really should keep very good watch at the persons we meet and who can be very friendly or seductive, but make us going backward. This knowledge makes life still more interesting and makes me laugh about myself.


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