Al-Ghazali : The duty of informality

The introduction to a recent post from Al Ghazali’s On the Duties of Brotherhood listed the eight duties described in the book, and one item on the list left some attentive readers puzzled. Most of the duties are easy to understand (if not to fulfil!), obligations such as ‘forgiveness’, ‘prayer’ and ‘personal aid,’ – but what are we to understand by ‘informality’? To make it clear, here is a short excerpt from that chapter.

You should not discomfort your brother with things that are awkward for him. Rather should you ease his heart of its cares and needs, and spare him having to assume any of your burdens. You should not ask him for help with money or influence. You should not discomfort him with having to be polite, to go into your situation and attend to your rights. No, the sole object of your love should be God (Exalted is He!), being blessed by your brother’s prayer, enjoying his company, receiving assistance from him in your religion, drawing nigh to God (Exalted is He!) through attending to his rights and bearing his provision.

Tr. Muhtar Holland

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