Tales : How Nachiketas learned about the Atman pt II
The first part of the story is here. Yama, the god of death, granted Nachiketas three boons, and for his third boon Nachiketas asked to know the mystery of what Continue Reading →
hearing the message of spiritual liberty
The first part of the story is here. Yama, the god of death, granted Nachiketas three boons, and for his third boon Nachiketas asked to know the mystery of what Continue Reading →
In Hindu mythology, there was once a sage named Vajashravas, and he had a son named Nachiketas. It happened that Vajashravas wished to ask a gift of the gods, and Continue Reading →
It happened once upon a time that Mullah Nasruddin met an acquaintance in the street and they began to talk. After they had discussed one matter after another, the man Continue Reading →
The tale is told in India that once the Wind and the Sun argued as to which was the more powerful. And while they were quarrelling, a man came by Continue Reading →
It happened once upon a time that Mullah Nasruddin was visited by his two married daughters. After all the usual warm greetings, Nasruddin asked them, “What are you and your Continue Reading →
The following is a Jataka tale, meaning an illustration of virtue in a previous life of the one who was destined to be Gautama Buddha. It is a clear parallel Continue Reading →
It happened once upon a time that a certain rakshasa or demon named Bhamasura spent years in the snow-bound Himalayas performing austerities in devotion to Lord Shiva. In time, his Continue Reading →
The great saint from Maharashtra, Namdev, was a devotee of Lord Shiva, and once, during his prayers and meditations, he begged his Lord for the blessing of constant communion–to be Continue Reading →
The experience of Mullah Nasruddin is much wider than people think. In his youth, for example, he once served a Sufi shaikh, thinking that he might learn something useful. He Continue Reading →
It happened once upon a time that the great Emperor Tamerlane, in the course of his journeys, came to the village where Mullah Nasruddin was living. Thinking that it would Continue Reading →