Glimpses: ‘Voice of Inayat’ text

We recently posted a short audio recording made by Hazrat Inayat Khan in 1926. For many it is very inspiring to hear his voice, but because of the quality of the recording it is not always easy to catch the words. As a help, we therefore offer the following transcription of his brief address.

Beloved ones of God,

Sufi Message is a Message today being given to humanity. It is not a message of the East, but it is the message of the soul, of the spirit. The sufi word means wisdom which come from the root sophia. It is the work of that wisdom to give the message today to humanity in order that people may come together in a better understanding arising beyond the different sections of caste and creed which divide mankind. The Sufi Message is an answer to the cry of humanity today, at this moment when materialism is all pervading and commercialism is continually on the increase. The Sufi Message respects all religions, recognizes all scriptures, regards all the prophets held in esteem by a large sections of humanity and sees the source and goal of all its wisdom in the One.

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