Julian of Norwich : God’s Creation

Mother Julian or Juliana of Norwich (ca. 1343 – post 1416) was an English anchoress, living in seclusion in a cell attached to St. Julian’s Church in Norwich. During a serious illness at the age of thirty, when she thought she was near death, she received mystical visions of the passion of Christ. She subsequently wrote about her experiences in ‘Revelations of Divine Love.’

For a man regards some deeds as well done and some as evil,
and our Lord does not regard them so,
for everything which exists in nature is of God’s creation,
so that everything which is done has the property of being God’s doing.

2 Replies to “Julian of Norwich : God’s Creation”

  1. Sabura

    Dear Nawab,
    Mother Julian really stretches how to be in relationship with God. This is so timely for me today. So once I can feel the edges of this perspective and then sit inside the unlimited divine love, I can accept and understand the love of all beings and the acts of evil. Yet, here I am immersed in the pain – any suggestions?
    In gratitude,

    • Nawab Pasnak Post author

      Dearest Sabura,
      Immersed in pain, but in truth who feels the pain? God. So perhaps it helps to remember that you and God are in this together.
      With loving greetings,


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