Tales: A Little Bit Deaf

It happened once that the people of Mullah Nasruddin’s village were surprised to find the Mullah sitting in a corner of the market, with his eyes closed, shouting again and again one of the sacred names of God.

The people were used to the Mullah’s unpredictable behaviour, but the noise was somewhat disturbing.  After some time, one of the villagers found the courage to tap the Mullah on the shoulder and say, “Excuse me, Mullah, but why are you shouting?  Do you think that God can’t hear you?”

The Mullah opened his eyes and looked at the man in surprise.  “Of course God can hear me,” he said.  “He hears everything.  But I’m not saying His name for Him.  I’m saying it for me.”

“But if you are saying it for you, why are you shouting?”

“Because,” said the Mullah, “my soul seems a little bit deaf.”

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