Tales : Bahlool makes the Amir laugh

It happened once upon a time that the wife of a certain Amir bore a child–but although the Amir had been hoping for a boy, the baby was a girl. Therefore the Amir became depressed, and news of his sadness soon spread through the city.

When the story reached Bahlool the Mad, he went to visit the Amir. He entered in an unusual way, hoping backwards into the room on one foot, waving his arms, and saying loudly, ‘Boo! Wah! Hoo! Ugh, ugh, ugh!’ Then he flopped on the floor at the feet of the Amir, shook his head crazily, and said, “Amir! Why are you sad?”

“I wished for a son,” said the Amir, “but my wife gave birth to a daughter.”

“Is she well?”

“Yes, well, thanks be to God.”

“No defects?”


Bahlool flung his arm skyward. Pointing to the heavens, he said, “A Voice says, ‘Shall I exchange your perfect, beautiful, healthy daughter for a crazy son like Bahlool?'”

Then the Amir laughed – and after laughing decided that he would prefer the daughter he had been given.

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