Tales: Everyone knows better

It happened once, on a fine sunny day, that Mullah Nasruddin came to sit under a large walnut tree.  Birds were singing, the air was sweet, and the light came filtering gently through the leaves of the tree, so that the Mullah felt inspired by the beauties of nature.  He began to praise the Creator for all His bounties and blessings.

“Truly, Lord, You have made a world that is perfect in every way.  The birds of the air sing Your praises, the sunlight speaks of Your generosity.  Your Creation is without a single flaw, may your Name be praised.”

But just at that moment, the Mulalh happened to notice a patch of pumpkins growing nearby, with large, yellow pumpkins lying everywhere, and he stopped to think.

“But there is one point,” said the Mullah.  “With all respect, and just between friends, and I mean this in the best possible way, Lord, maybe You were working very quickly to finish some parts.  Here is a pumpkin vine, and the gourds are so large the little plant can’t lift them off the ground, whereas here I am under a walnut tree the size of a house, with only little nuts to carry.  Don’t You think You made a mistake?”

There was a moment of silence, and then from the tree above a nut fell; it struck the Mullah on the crown of his head and then bounced and rolled away, coming to rest beside a particularly large pumpkin.

The Mullah looked at the nut, and then at the pumpkin.  “Ah,” he said, “yes, I see.  Perhaps You do know better.”

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