The great saint from Maharashtra, Namdev, was a devotee of Lord Shiva, and once, during his prayers and meditations, he begged his Lord for the blessing of constant communion–to be always in the presence of Lord Shiva.
“Before I can grant you this,” Shiva replied, “you must visit a certain temple and meet one of my devotees named Vithoba. Observe him carefully, and then tell me what you have learned from him.”
Obedient to the wish of his lord, Namdev went to the temple indicated, and, thinking he should look for some sadhu deep in meditation, began to inquire after Vithoba. At last he was directed to a very old man who was lying on the steps of the temple, but to Namdev’s astonishment, Vithoba was resting his aged feet against a statue of Lord Shiva.
Namdev approached Vithoba, and politely but firmly said that it was not right to put one’s feet upon the deity like that.
“Surely you are right, brother,” Vithoba replied, “but I am very old and have little strength to move my limbs. Please help me, and point my feet to where Lord Shiva is not present.”
Namdev moved the man’s legs to point in another direction, but when he did so, he discovered that an image of Lord Shiva was already there. Then he shifted the man’s legs elsewhere, and again, Lord Shiva appeared. Again and again he tried here and there, but no matter where he pointed Vithoba’s feet, Lord Shiva was always present.
Then Namdev fell on his knees and placed Vithoba’s feet upon his head, saying, “Lord Shiva, grant me the blessing, as you have to Vithoba, to recognize your presence everywhere!”