Tales: On Leaving this World

Here is a brief anecdote from the life of Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya (1238 – 1325 CE), the great Sufi whose tomb in New Delhi attracts thousands of devotees daily. The tale brings to mind this aphorism from Hazrat Inayat Khan: It is the last note that a great soul strikes, which proves that soul to be real and true.

Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya spoke a while on the subject of the departure of the friends of God from this world. One of those present mentioned the name of a particular man and said that at the time of his death he was softly uttering the names of God. This moved Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya to tears and he recited the following quatrain:

I came to the end of Your street, running, running.
Tears came down my cheek, washing, washing.

Union with You I am helplessly seeking, seeking.
My soul I surrender while Your name I am reciting, reciting.

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