Tales: The Inevitable

It happened once upon a time that Solomon, the great and wise, was seated one morning in his throne room when a certain one of his subjects entered in a state of great agitation.

The subject – let us call him Adam Abdullah – threw himself face down before his king, and cried out, “Majesty!  Save me, I beg you, save me!”

“Save you from what?” asked Solomon. “What has put you in this terror?”

“From death, your majesty.  This morning, as I was returning home from the market, I was shocked to see an ominous dark figure standing by my gate.  The air stood still and it seemed as if the light of the sun would not touch that shape.  My breath stopped, and the very sight sent ice into my bones. I felt at once he was seeking me, and I turned aside to avoid his gaze.  When I dared to look again the figure was gone, but my doorkeeper told me that indeed the stranger had been asking for me.”

“But if Death is asking for you, my son, what can I do?  In this life the visit of Death is inevitable.”

“But not yet,” pleaded Adam Abdullah. “I am not ready to go.  I have many things to do in this life, many responsibilities, many dreams. I need more time! Majesty, the most powerful Jinns are at your command – can you not send me far away from here?  I beg you, merciful sovereign, send me to far-off Damascus! Surely Death will never find me there!”

“Very well,” said Solomon. “As you wish.”  And he turned the ring on his finger. “Go now.  When you step into the courtyard, the Jinn Abdal Azizz will take you up and fly with you to Damascus.”

“May heaven bless you, majesty!  Thank you!!” And Adam Abdullah scrambled to his feet, and with a trembling bow to the king scurried out of the throne room.  

In his haste, Adam Abdullah did not see that there was someone else waiting to enter. The shadowy figure looked intently at him as he brushed past,  and watched him as he disappeared into the courtyard.  Then he entered the throne room and respectfully greeted the king.

“Hail, Solomon the magnificent, friend of the All-Knowing.”

“Hail to thee, Death, faithful servant of the Merciful and Compassionate.  What brings you to my palace of dust?”

“Only the wish to greet your majesty,” replied Death.  “But did I see your subject Adam Abdullah just now?”

“You did,” Solomon said gravely.

“How strange,” said Death, “to find him here.  For I am bidden to meet with him tonight in Damascus!”

One Reply to “Tales: The Inevitable”

  1. Faieza

    Great. I love the story. My dad tells a similar story, but more about the signs of impending death that we seem to miss. Death will find you where-ever you are…Though I hope Death does not come as a dark shadowy figure but a sunny smiling figure full of brightness and light 🙂


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