Tales: The Meaning of Love

The Sufis say that love is not dependent upon kindness, nor is it discouraged by unkindness, for that would be a form of commerce. The one who truly loves accepts affliction from the hand of the beloved without complaint. Consider this anecdote of Abu Baqr Shibli.

Shibli had unwound himself from the heavy chains of  the world, and the world consequently thought that he was mad.  Therefore at a certain time he was imprisoned in an insane asylum.  Hearing of his confinement, some fellow travellers on the path came to see him.

“Who are you?” demanded Shibli.

“We are your friends,” the visitors asserted.

Shibli began to throw stones at the visitors, who instantly ran away.

“If you had really been my friends,” Shiblin called after them, “you would have gladly endured my affliction.”

One Reply to “Tales: The Meaning of Love”

  1. Shamsher van Hees

    Probably I am not a wise Sufi yet, because I would have reacted like the friends of Shibli and I should learn even more about love.


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