Tales: The well-known lunatic

It happened once upon a time that the governor of a certain province went out with some of his people, and then, at a certain point, decided he wanted to be alone for a while.  Leaving his attendants, he went over a hill, and sat down under a tree.

As the governor sat there, looking around, it happened that Mullah Nasruddin came by.  The Mullah had been working in his fields, and he was tired and dusty.  When he saw someone sitting in the shade, he decided to join him for a little rest.

“Greetings, friend,” said the governor.  “Where do you come from?”

“Our village is just nearby,” replied Nasruddin.

“And how are conditions there?” asked the governor.

“Bad,” said Nasruddin.  “Terrible, in fact.  We are on the point of famine.”

“Oh?” said the governor.  “Did the crops fail?”

“The crops did well enough, by the grace of God,” said the Mullah.  “But the taxes take so much, there isn’t enough left to feed a mouse.”

“You are not happy with your rulers?”

“Our rulers!” said Nasruddin. “Tyrants, thieves and scoundrels, every one of them, may God remove all goodness from their path!”

Now the governor became angry.  “Do you know who I am?” he asked.  “I am the governor of this province.”

Nasruddin stood up and bowed deeply. “Your servant, excellency.  And do you know who I am?  I am the well known lunatic of our village, who half the time doesn’t know what he is saying.”

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