Tilopa : The completely open nature

Tilopa ((988–1069 CE) was an Indian tantric Buddhist wandering monk, whose principal student was Naropa, and who is considered the grandfather of the Tibetan Kagyu lineage. These verses are taken from his ‘Song to Naropa’ or ‘Song of the Great Mahamudra.’

The completely open nature
of all dimensions and events
is a rainbow always occurring
yet never grasped.
The way of Mahamudra
creates no closure.
No strenuous mental effort
can encounter this wide open way.
The effortless freedom of awareness
moves naturally along it.

As space is always freshly appearing
and never filled,
so the mind is without limits
and ever aware.
Gazing with sheer awareness
into sheer awareness,
habitual, abstract structures melt
into the fruitful springtime of Buddhahood.

Translation Lex Hixon

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