Yunus Emre : Whoever is given the dervish path

For more about Yunus Emre, the 13th c. CE Sufi and poet of Turkey, see this post.

Whoever is given the dervish path 
may his posturing cease and may he shine.

May his breath become musk and amber. 
May whole cities and homelands 
gather fruit from his branches.

May his leaves be healing herbs for the sick. 
May much good work be done in his shadow.

May his tears become a clear lake. 
May reeds sprout between his toes.

And among all the poets and nightingales 
in the Friend’s garden, 
may Yunus hop like a partridge.

Translation Kabir Helminski and Refik Algan

2 Replies to “Yunus Emre : Whoever is given the dervish path”

  1. Howard Olivier

    Such delightful, vivid imagery and inspirtng aspirations.
    Thank you, for bringing it to my house, Pir Nawab!!


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