Tales : Just one exception
A farmer came to a Buddhist priest and asked him to recite sutras for his wife, who had just died. The priest did so, and when the recitation was over, Continue Reading →
hearing the message of spiritual liberty
A farmer came to a Buddhist priest and asked him to recite sutras for his wife, who had just died. The priest did so, and when the recitation was over, Continue Reading →
Cuentos: Bahlul hace reír al Emir Sucedió una vez que la mujer de un emir dio a luz a un niño, pero, aunque el emir esperaba un varón, el bebé Continue Reading →
As this is now the celebration of the Urs of Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya (1238 – 1325 CE), the great Sufi master known as Mahbub-e-Ilahi, the beloved of God, this short Continue Reading →
Sumangalamata : Une Femme Bien Libérée Publié le 30 août 2024 par Nawab PasnakSumangalamata (VIe s. av. J.-C. ?), l’épouse d’un fabricant de parasols et de chapeaux, était membre de Continue Reading →
Hsuan Chueh: La joya invaluable Yung-chia Hsuan-Chueh (665-713 EC) fue un erudito y monje chino, y es considerado como uno de los más grandes y talentosos maestros del budismo zen. Continue Reading →
Hazrat Inayat Khan reflects upon the attitudes he found in the West regarding mysticism and spirituality. The previous post in the series is here. I have also found some religious Continue Reading →
Eihei Dogen: Mente nirvana* maravillosa Para algo de información sobre el monje budista y poeta Eihei Dogen, también conocido como Dogen Zenji (1200-1253 EC) vea esta publicación. Porque las flores Continue Reading →
It happened once upon a time that Mullah Nasruddin encountered a friend he had not seen for years. They greeted each warmly, and began to talk, catching up on all Continue Reading →
Cuentos: Birbal encuentra a los más tontos A veces el gran Emperador Akbar asignaba a su ministro Birbal extrañas tareas. Un día convocó a Birbal ante sí y le dijo, Continue Reading →
Hazrat Inayat Khan continues with his observations of society in the East ad West, which, although made more than a century ago, remain pertinent to the world of today. The Continue Reading →