From time to time The Inner Call has brought news about the Nur Lomas Alto project in Ecuador, most recently here. Mureeds have acquired some land on the mountain of Ilaló outside of Quito, with the intention of building a Sufi temple there.
The land is part of a rural, self-governing ‘comuna’ called Sorialoma, and it is important to build relationships with the low-income, agricultural, indigenous community. Therefore yesterday the ‘Fundación Inayat’ celebrated the Day of the Child* by offering a free ‘clown’ show, and more than 60 children attended. The clowns presented a humorous piece built around the theme of water conservation, a topic that is very pertinent to this area, and judging from the laughter in the video below, it was a hit with the kids. Drinks and snacks were also distributed. Heartfelt congratulations to all members of the Sufi family that made it happen!
*June 4th is marked by the United Nations as the ‘International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression’.
Gracias querido Murshid, por estas bellas noticias de Nur Lomas Alto.
Hazrat Inayat Khan nos dice, que ser espiritual es ser natural y aquí el proyecto de la construcción del Templo Sufi en medio de la naturaleza se conjuga con la bendición que trae la sonrisa y alegría de los niños de la comunidad. Gracias a los hermanos del Ecuador gestores de este gran proyecto y por el apoyo que dan a la comunidad donde estará el
Templo Sufi Nur Lomas Alto. Todos los hermanos y hermanas sufis a lo largo y ancho estamos listos para contribuir en su construcción.