Fakhruddin Iraqi : The Beloved Sees

For more about the Persian Sufi and poet Fakhruddin Iraqi (1213 – 1289 CE) see this earlier post.

A lover sees his beloved’s image in the mirror of his own essence–but no, it is the Beloved Himself seeing Himself. After all, the lover sees with eyes, and the Tradition [i.e. Hadith] says “I–God–become his ears, his eyes, his hand and his tongue.” So the lover’s eyes are the Beloved, and all he sees, knows, says and hears is the Beloved Himself; for “verily we are in Him and belong to Him.” In terms of manifestation therefore loved and Beloved, seeker and Sought, are one. But not everyone can grasp this. No,

How can a beggar
        become a sultan?
Bah! How can a fly
        become Solomon?

How can this beggar
        become the sultan
when he already
        is the sultan?

Bizarre, bizarre
        and rare indeed!
Since one is the same as the other
        how can this become that?

Translation William C. Chittick and Peter Lamborn Wilson

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