The following short memory from Kismet Stam is probably of the time when Hazrat Inayat Khan was staying in Tilak Lodge, the bungalow near the Jumna River where he ultimately passed away.
By the neighbouring people, Murshid was considered to be a great physician and benefactor.
Once a man was brought before Murshid, trembling with fever, and seeming to be near the end of his life. Murshid spoke with him, and gave him some innocent little medicine. And a few days later he came with a beaming face: “You have saved my life.”
Murshid has given to many poor people food and the clothes they so badly needed. And then they came to show themselves in the new garment, uttering words of thankfulness as only an Indian is able to formulate.
One man said, “Whenever I will wear this coat, I will remember my Master.”