The following verse from the Sikh scripture, the Guru Granth Sahib, speaks of the practice of repeating the sacred name. For more about Guru Nanak, see this post.
If you ponder it,
there is mindfulness, wisdom of mind;
If you ponder it,
the whole of the universe is known;
If you ponder it,
you will never face harm;
If you ponder it,
you will never walk the way of death.
That name–
so immaculately clear–
only the mind that ponders it
can truly be aware.
Translation John Stratton Hawley & Mark Juergensmeyer
Dear Pir Nawab,
Hazrat Inayat about: The practice of repeating the sacred name, in Suras (God speaking through the kindled soul) “Verily, the heart that repeats constantly the Sacred Name is exalted”.
With Love,
Dear Alim, thank you for the connection. The wise give us each their perception of the One Truth, and when they overlap and confirm, it is inspiring. Loving greetings, Nawab