Hazrat Inayat : The Coming World Religion pt I

Hazrat Inayat Khan considers the concept of a world religion from a Sufi point of view.

There are many prophecies and several beliefs concerning this subject, but what is most needed is to understand what religion means. ‘The present religion,’ ‘the coming religion,’ or ‘the past religion’ is for those who divide the truth which is one into many. In point of fact what was is, and what is will be. Was this idea not supported by Jesus Christ, who said, ‘Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill’? If Jesus Christ said this, who else can come forth and say, ‘I will give you a new religion’? There cannot be a new religion; one might as well say, ‘I wish to teach you a new wisdom.’ There cannot be a new wisdom; wisdom is the same, which was and is and always will be.

One may ask then, what is this variety of religions which has engaged humanity for years in conflict with one another, so that most of the wars and battles were fought in the cause of religion? This only shows the childish character of human nature. Religion, which was given for unity, for harmony, for brotherhood, was used by childish human beings in order to fight and dispute and engage themselves in battles for years and years. And to a thoughtful person the most curious thing is to see how in the past men have given a most sacred character to war, calling it a sacred or holy war. And the same tendency of making war against one another, which began with religion, has persisted in the time of materialism; the same tendency turned into war between nations. Yet the differences and distinctions between the different faiths and beliefs still remain, and the prejudices and differences and bigotry between nations still exist to a greater or lesser degree. What does this show? It shows that the meaning of true religion has not been understood by the majority, and therefore that mission which religion has to fulfill in connection with humanity still remains to be fulfilled. Jesus Christ hinted at that fulfillment when he said that he had come to fulfill the law, not to give a new law.

Religion can be considered from five different points of view. The first is the aspect of religion, which is known to us as certain dogmas, laws, or teachings. And when we think of the conditions prevailing in the world today we see that the law is now given by the nation; every nation is now responsible for the order and the peace of its people.

The second aspect of religion is the church and the form of the service. In this there are differences, and there will always be differences; it is a matter of temperament, of tendency, and it also depends upon the customs and beliefs of the people who have inherited that tendency from their ancestors. Some have in their house of prayer different forms and ceremonies, which help them to feel elevated; others have a simple service since that appeals to them more.

To be continued…

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