Hazrat Inayat Khan gives a brief but powerful explanation of the forms and roles in the world of a prophet.
The prophet is the manifestation of the same Spirit which, in its fullest expression, can rightfully be called Alpha and Omega, although the spirit of Alpha and Omega is really in all beings: in a loving mother, in a kind father, in an innocent child, in a helpful friend, in an inspiring teacher. The prophet is a mystic, and greater than a mystic. The prophet is a philosopher, and greater than a philosopher. The prophet is a poet, and greater than a poet. The prophet is a teacher, and greater than a teacher. The prophet is a seer, and greater than a seer. Why greater? Because he has a duty to perform, together with the blessing that he brings upon earth.
In the East, the prophet is termed Payghambar. There are also two other names, Nabi and Rasul; and although all these names mean a prophet, yet each of them signifies a certain attribute of the prophet. Also, each of those words denotes a certain degree of his evolution. Payghambar literally means ‘message-bearer’, and this word is used for holy ones who brought a divine message from time to time to a certain community, nation, or race, whenever there was a need of awakening in a certain people. The Payghambar acted as an alarm to warn people of coming dangers; he also brought reforms to improve the condition of his people.
There are two steps in the life of the messenger, one minor and the other major. One stage is when he begins to give the message. The next stage is when the message is fulfilled. Nabi is one who begins to give the message. Rasul is the one who fulfills the message.
Nabi is the prophet who has not only come for a certain section of humanity. Although he may only live and move in a limited region of the world, yet what he brings has its influence upon the whole of humanity. It may not be fulfilled in his lifetime, but a day of fulfillment will come, even if it be centuries later, so that all he brought at last reaches the whole of humanity. Rasul is a term which denotes a more advanced degree, when the prophet has not only brought a message to the world, but has fulfilled his task during his lifetime through all the tests and trials that a prophet has to meet in life.
To be continued…