Hazrat Inayat: Truth is Success

The following brief address was given in 1924, on the occasion of the ordination of some Cherags.  Although Hazrat Inayat Khan is specifically encouraging those called to the Universal Worship activity, his words can also stir the heart of every mureed who has felt the blessing of the Message.

My blessed Cherags,

It is my wish that you should awaken every day and every moment of your life more and more to the spirit of the Message. You will appreciate the privilege that all the workers for the Message have in being workers at the foundation of the cause. In spite of the infancy of the Message, in spite of the difficulties we have to meet, in spite of the smallness of our numbers, you will feel the spirit behind the Message, you will feel the power which is leading the cause, the great blessing which awaits us.

You are not asked to teach any particular dogma, nor is it expected of you to judge humanity. You are only the channels through which the Message of God will be given to humanity; and your work is like the work of the musician, who, before he plays upon a new piano, sees that it is in tune. With everyone who comes to you, with the multitude before whom you will give the Message, you will try to feel the pulse of your audience, and then you will trust in the spirit of God, and the inspiration within you, in the Message, for guidance to answer the demands of your audience. You will choose your words, you will weigh and measure them, before allowing them to come out from your lips.

You will feel your responsibility and yet not be crushed by it. You will be aware of your difficulties and yet not afraid of them. You will be conscientious in all you say and do, and yet you will not be worried. You will feel your way with open eyes, and yet you will be confident in the divine guidance which you have.

I am with you always; distance will make no difference. It is this knowledge which will connect us, and in this faith the work which will be done will meet with success. For success is truth, and truth is success.


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