Hejirat Day 2024

On September 13th, 1910 Hazrat Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan set sail from Bombay, bound for an unknown future in the West.  That long sea voyage was the beginning of his work for the Message. For the next sixteen years he travelled almost constantly, lecturing, guiding and inspiring countless people.

On this special day may all those who have felt the grace of the Message of love, harmony and beauty take a moment to give thanks for the gift—and then do whatever is possible to make someone else happy.

“Thou Whose heart constantly reacheth upward,
Thou comest on earth with a message,
as a dove from above when Dharma decayeth,
and speakest the Word that is put into Thy mouth,
as the light filleth the crescent moon.”

— Salat —

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