Surdas (1478? – 1581? CE) was born blind, according to tradition, and was poorly treated by his family. When he heard a wandering group of devotional musicians, he left home to join them. For more about Surdas see this earlier post. Radha is the consort of the god Krishna.
She’s found him, she has, but Radha disbelieves
That it’s true, what she sees when her eyes behold
her master’s moonlike face.
Her gaze is fixed, but her mind is glazed,
her eyes refuse to close;
And her intellect wages a raging debate:
Is it a dream? Or is this her true Lord?
Her eyes fill and fill with beauty’s high pleasure,
then hide it away in her breast:
Like bees driven wild by any distance from honey
they dart back and forth from the hoard to the source.
Sometimes she musters her thoughts; she wonders:
“Who does he love? Who can this Hari be?”
For love, says Sur, is an awkward thing.
It ripples the mind with waves.
Translation John Stratton Hawley & Mark Juergensmeyer