Tales: Fidelity

It happened once upon a time that a certain man came to study with a murshid who had a great reputation for wisdom and understanding.  For three years he remained in the service of the venerable soul.  Then, one day, the murshid called the student before him and said, “Now you have been here long enough.  I release you.  You may go.”

The student was surprised by this unexpected dismissal.  He bowed in humble acceptance, and said, “Master, if you say I must go, I will go.  But I beg you, tell my why?”

The murshid said, “For three years I have tested you in various ways.  Now, with regret I must conclude I can do no more for you.  The problem is your fidelity.”

“My fidelity! But surely fidelity is a worthy quality on the spiritual path. How can my fidelity be a problem?”

“The problem is this,” replied the murshid, sadly. “Your fidelity is to useless preconceptions and dogmas.”

3 Replies to “Tales: Fidelity”

  1. Abdel Kabir Mauricio Navarro

    Hello dear Murshid. I do not know if there is anything in my language, but the last sentence is not clear to me: “Your fidelity is to useless preconceptions and dogmas.”. Peace and Love

    • Nawab Pasnak Post author

      Dear Abdel Kabir,

      It means that the mureed has been faithful to concepts and fixed ideas, instead of having a fluid, freely flowing consciousness. So, it is the wrong kind of fidelity.

      Sending love, Nawab


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