Tales : Left and right

It happened once upon a time that Mullah Nasruddin visited a friend who lived far out in the country, and they fell into a long and very interesting conversation about various philosophical subjects. The Mullah was speaking at great length about the importance of self-knowledge.

“What does it matter if you have seen all the wonders of the world,” he demanded, “if you don’t know your own self?!”

They were so absorbed in their talk that they did not even notice the time passing. Day faded, and night began to fall. At last, the host realised that they were sitting in the dark—the total darkness that one can experience only in the countryside.

“Mullah,” he said apologetically, “forgive me, we should have some light. There is a candle just to your left.”

“To my left,” said Nasruddin in surprise. “It’s completely dark! How do you expect me to know my left from my right?”

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