It happened once that there was a very long drought where Mullah Nasruddin was living. The ground cracked, the crops and animals died, every tongue was caked with dust. Finally, the king became angry, and sent an edict summoning all the religious leaders to the palace.
“You will come and pray for rain,” the edict stated, “and if your prayers do not bring results, you will all pay with your heads.”
Soon a crowd of priests, imams, mullahs and others, all with very long faces, began to gather at the palace. Among them was Mullah Nasruddin. As they filed forward into the great throne room someone noticed that Nasruddin was carrying an umbrella.
“Mullah, there is not a cloud in the sky. Why did you bring this?”
“Because,” said Nasruddin, “if, God willing, we leave the palace, I will need it.”