Tales: The Mullah and the Angel of Death

They say that we should be careful what we wish for, as it may come true–good advice even for someone as resourceful as Mullah Nasruddin.  It happened once upon a time that Nasruddin became very ill; such things happen to everyone, of course.  He had burning fever, shaking chills, excruciating cramps, a pounding headache, and every bone in his body ached.  What troubled him most, though, were the well meant but tiring visits of his long-winded neighbours, coming to offer advice and sympathy.

Lying in bed and feeling miserable, the Mullah looked out his window and saw a particularly talkative and persistent man heading toward his door. In despair, Nasruddin said “Another torture.  Death, can’t you come now and save me?”

There was a sudden rustling in the corner, and to the Mullah’s astonishment, out of the shadows stepped the Angel of Death.

“Did you call for me, my son?” asked the Angel in a kindly tone.

Thinking quickly, Nasruddin said, “Well, yes, but I was calling for a friend – he’s just arriving!”


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