Tales : The Mullah and the man of his word

It happened once upon a time that Mullah Nasruddin met an acquaintance in the street and they began to talk. After they had discussed one matter after another, the man said, “Mullah, come to my home tomorrow evening. It will be an honour to share bread and salt with you.”

Nasruddin willingly accepted, and when away wondering what sort of delicious dinner this man would serve him. The next day, he ate lightly, to be sure to have a good appetite for what he would be offered.

The mullah arrived at the appointed time, and the two sat for a while, talking. Then the host went to the other room and returned with a loaf of bread and some salt – but nothing else.

While Nasruddin was slowly chewing this meagre dinner, a beggar appeared at the open window, and asked for alms.

The host said, “No, go away, you won’t get anything here. Go beg somewhere else.” But the beggar persisted, staying by the window, and pleading for some handout.

“Didn’t you hear me?” the man shouted. “Get lost or I’ll come out there and break your neck!”

“Friend,” Nasruddin put in, “you should do what he says. I know him to be a man of his word.”

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