Tales : The wish of the blind woman

There was, once upon a time, a blind woman who lived with her son and her daughter-in-law. They were very poor, with barely enough to eat, but the woman was very devoted, and prayed every day to the God Ganesh.

One day, when she finished her prayers, a voice spoke to her. “I am Ganesh,” the voice said, “and your prayers have pleased me. For the virtue of your prayers I will grant you a wish – but only a single wish. Think carefully about this, and I will come to you again tomorrow to hear what you desire.”

The old woman was deeply touched by the generosity of the god, but was also deeply puzzled as to what she should ask for. Finally, she went to her son, explained the matter, and asked him what she should wish for.

“Mother,” said the son, “we have so little. Ask for gold so we can buy land and from that we could at last live well.”

But her daughter-in-law had a different thought. “Ask that I can give you a healthy grandson,” she advised. “A healthy son is the greatest treasure.”

Then the old woman consulted her neighbour, who said, “Why spend your wish on what others want? Don’t you have a wish for yourself? Wouldn’t you like to see again?”

The old woman now was even more puzzled. She did want to see again, but she also wanted to fulfil the wishes of her son and her daughter-in-law. What to do?

The next day, when she finished her prayers, she heard again the voice of the god. “Daughter,” said Ganesh, “I am ready to grant your request. Tell me what you wish for.”

The old woman took a deep breath and said, “I wish to see my grandson drinking milk from a golden bowl!”

Ganesh laughed heartily. “Daughter, you have played a trick, but because you made me laugh, I agree, I will grant your three wishes in one.”

And so, in a short time, it came to pass…

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