Tales: What Nasruddin Wants to Hear

There are some who say that a tea house is just a place to waste time and gossip, but you can be sure that deep philosophical conversations take place there, too.  One rainy day, it happened that Mullah Nasruddin was sitting in a tea house with a few companions, and one of them said, “Friends, when you are lying in your coffin and all your relatives and neighbours are gathered around, what are the words you would like to hear them say?”

They pondered for some moments, and then one said, “I would like to hear them say, ‘He was a good husband and a good father.  He did his best to care for us and raise us well, and what he gave us is the foundation  of our lives.'”

The others nodded in agreement, deeply moved.

Then a second man said, “I would like to hear them say, ‘He was a good friend to everyone.  He met everyone with a smile, and whatever difficulty I had, I could turn to him and he would help.'”

Again, all nodded solemnly, and some had tears in their eyes.

A third man said, “I would like to hear them say, ‘He was just and his account is clear. He paid every debt, both to man, and to God Almighty!'”

“Amen, amen,” all said in fervent agreement.

Then the Mullah spoke.  “When I am in my coffin,” he said, “I would like to hear them say, ‘Look! He’s MOVING!'”

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