Tales : Studying very hard

It happened once upon a time that the Mullah Nasruddin had acquired a reputation for great wisdom and learning. Don’t be surprised! In this world, anything is possible. And because of his reputation, one day a young man came and, very humbly, asked him the following.

“Mullah, I have a burning desire to become, as you are, a source of wisdom and learning to the world. If by your mercy you should condescend to take me as your student, how long would it take me?”

The Mullah looked thoughtfully at the young man, stroked his beard, and then said, “Twenty years.”

But the young man–for he WAS young–thought that was a very long time, and so he said, “But Mullah, my desire and my dedication are great. If I promise to study very hard, from dawn until late at night, denying myself all pleasure and devoting every instant to learning, how long?”

The Mullah thought again for a moment, and then said, “Forty years.”

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