I am neither above, nor below, nor inside, nor outside, nor middle, nor across, nor before, nor behind; for I am indivisible and one by nature and am all-pervading like space. I am therefore the secondless, uncontradictable, attributeless Bliss.
I am neither white, nor black, nor red, nor yellow, nor bent, nor stout, nor short, nor tall, nor even formless; for I am of the nature of self-resplendent consciousness. I am therefore the secondless, uncontradictable, attributeless Bliss.
There is neither teacher, nor science, nor pupil, nor teaching, nor you (the hearer), nor I (the speaker), nor this empirical universe; for I am the consciousness of the reality, which does not admit of differentiation. I am therefore the secondless, uncontradictable, attributeless Bliss.
The Ten-Versed Hymn v. 5-7
Sri Sankaracharya
tr. S. Venkataramanan
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