2 Replies to “Audio 156 Do Not Waste Time”

  1. Inam

    Very dear Murshid,
    Many thanks for this beautiful and wise podcast.
    It seems that the thread of life of many, many people snaps before they have attained their goal. Moreover, many more people have not even been able to discover that inner urgency, that feeling that something does need our attention before the thread snaps.
    Why there are so few who take advantage of their Divine inheritance and a few more who at least search for it, while the vast majority waste this wonderful and unique opportunity during all their life? It is part of the Divine Perfection that is not easy to understand.

    • Nawab Pasnak Post author

      Beloved brother Inam, heartfelt thanks for the comment. It is always a happiness to find some commentary on the posts. This question is central to the spiritual search, and is never absent from us as long as we are still living apart from the One – or, rather, have the impression of being separate. Please look for a coming post on this subject – it deserves some attention.


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