Audio Tales: The Bowl of the Dervish

Here is a tale as it was told by Hazrat Inayat Khan.  It concerns an encounter between the Emperor Sikander and a dervish; the west knows Sikander as Alexander the Great, the military leader who overthrew the Persian empire and marched all the way to India.  He may well have met such a dervish in his campaigns, but history doesn’t show that he learned the lesson given in this story.




2 Replies to “Audio Tales: The Bowl of the Dervish”

  1. Ganesh

    Yes this is really a wonderful story and unfortunately so true.
    How great it is to get so much understanding in such a small story.
    Thank you for telling.

  2. Juan Amin Betancur

    Beautiful tale, it reminds this shocking saying: “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need but not enough for any man’s greed” Mahatma Gandhi


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