How to be perfect
Hazrat Inayat Khan was fond of quoting Jesus, who said, “Be perfect, like your Heavenly Father.” Surely none of us think we can be ‘God-perfect,’ and yet our Pir-o-Murshid affirmed Continue Reading →
hearing the message of spiritual liberty
Hazrat Inayat Khan was fond of quoting Jesus, who said, “Be perfect, like your Heavenly Father.” Surely none of us think we can be ‘God-perfect,’ and yet our Pir-o-Murshid affirmed Continue Reading →
Cuentos: Bahlul y su elección de compañía Ocurrió una vez que Bahlul estaba sentado en un cementerio cuando Kalifa Haroun al Rashid pasó cabalgando. La opinión general entre los cortesanos Continue Reading →
It happened once upon a time that Mullah Nasruddin decided he would like to speak to the king. Since he had never been to the court, this seemed to be Continue Reading →
Hazrat Inayat: El Mensaje y el Mensajero, parte VI Hazrat Inayat Khan habla ahora de los instrumentos del mensaje, y específicamente del instrumento humano. La publicación anterior está aquí. En Continue Reading →
With this post we begin a lecture by Hazrat Inayat Khan on the fundamental principle of the continuity of life. In the last paragraph below, the Master speaks of two Continue Reading →
Hazrat Inayat: El Mensaje y el Mensajero pt V Luego de hablar del mismo mensaje que aparece en diferentes épocas en diferentes formas, Hazrat Inayat Khan da ahora alguna idea Continue Reading →
The acidic, iconoclastic zen monk, poet and calligrapher, Ikkyu Sojun had no patience with false piety and formalistic religion. For a little more about him, see this post. only one Continue Reading →
It is said that once upon a time the great Emperor Akbar had a discussion with his advisor Birbal about the character of his ministers. Birbal was blunt in his Continue Reading →
Maneri: El amor de Dios Este fragmento es tomado de “La mina de sentido”, discursos del siglo XIV d. C. del Shaikh Sharafuddin Maneri (“El venerado maestro”), recopilados por su Continue Reading →
Hazrat Inayat: El Mensaje y el Mensajero, parte IV Hazrat Inayat Khan habla ahora sobre la presencia eterna del “Alfa y Omega”. La publicación anterior se encuentra aquí. La clave Continue Reading →