Lu Tung-pin : This
Lu Tung-pin (755 – 805 CE) was a scholar, poet and student of the inner life who is considered one of the ‘Eight Immortals’ of the Taoist tradition. The ‘Tao’ Continue Reading →
hearing the message of spiritual liberty
Lu Tung-pin (755 – 805 CE) was a scholar, poet and student of the inner life who is considered one of the ‘Eight Immortals’ of the Taoist tradition. The ‘Tao’ Continue Reading →
Verwachtingen opgeven Net als tuinplanten kunnen woorden vele kanten hebben. De tere bloemblaadjes van een roos kunnen omgeven zijn door vlijmscherpe doornen, en het vruchtvlees van een mooi gekleurde bes Continue Reading →
Hazrat Inayat Khan now begins to reflect upon the respective strengths and weaknesses of the East and West. The previous post in the series is here. All that I, as Continue Reading →
After years of struggling with his donkey, Mullah Nasruddin began to lose patience. It seemed the animal was more lazy and stubborn every day, not lifting a hoof off the Continue Reading →
In the Buddhist tradition, a bodhisattva is one who is on the path to Buddhahood, or supreme enlightenment. The simplest form of the Bodhisattva Vow is, “May I attain Buddhahood Continue Reading →
Sumangalamata: Una Mujer Bien Liberada Sumangalmata (siglo VI, AC?), la esposa de un fabricante de sombrillas y sombreros, fue miembro de la primera comunidad de mujeres seguidoras del Buda Shakyamuni. Continue Reading →
Cuentos: no cabe más Sucedió una vez que un hombre llegó a visitar a un maestro Zen. Luego de intercambiar saludos, el hombre dijo: “maestro, he estudiado filosofía por muchos Continue Reading →
A young student of zen, who felt he had accomplished a great deal, presented himself before a zen master, and to show his zen, declared, “The mind, Buddha, and sentient Continue Reading →
Hazrat Inayat : Los Cinco Grandes Grados de Iniciados, pt II Este post concluye la aclaración de Hazrat Inayat Khan sobre las cinco iniciaciones superiores. La primera parte está aquí. Continue Reading →
Najmaldin Kubra (1145 – 1221 CE) was born in present day Uzbekistan and became a very influential Sufi, the founder of the Kubrawiya Order. Among his students was the father Continue Reading →