Tales : The Conversion of Liu Haichan
Liu Haichan was a 10th c. CE philosopher who is remembered now as a Taoist ‘immortal’ and a patriarch of Taoism, but before he entered the path, he passed the Continue Reading →
hearing the message of spiritual liberty
Liu Haichan was a 10th c. CE philosopher who is remembered now as a Taoist ‘immortal’ and a patriarch of Taoism, but before he entered the path, he passed the Continue Reading →
Hazrat Inayat: Confesiones pt I, Mi vida temprana A principios de 1915, mientras Hazrat Inayat Khan y su familia se refugiaban en Inglaterra de la guerra, escribió una breve autobiografía Continue Reading →
Hazrat Inayat Khan here concludes this brief lecture on the inherent longing for an ideal towards which we may aspire, an ideal which until the present era, was given to Continue Reading →
Cuentos: El mensajero y la llave Érase una vez un padre que se enteró de que sus hijos, que vivían en otra tierra, pasaban hambre. Esta noticia entristeció mucho al Continue Reading →
It happened once upon a time that the Governor of the province where Mullah Nasruddin was living was approached by a travelling scholar. The scholar was a very arrogant man Continue Reading →
Chuang Tsu : Distinguiendo el ego del ser Para más información sobre el filósofo chino Chuang Tau, véase esta publicación. Todo lo que está limitado por la forma, la apariencia, Continue Reading →
As we move toward the end of the year, and as many prepare to celebrate the birth. of the baby Jesus, the International Sufi Movement recently held an online Universal Continue Reading →
Juliana de Norwich: La Creación de Dios La madre Julián o Juliana de Norwich (ca. 1343 – después de 1416) fue una anacoreta inglesa que vivió en reclusión en una Continue Reading →
Pattinattar was a 10th c. Tamil Shaivite, and one of the greatest poets of that tradition. Like others in the Siddha tradition, he was strongly against ritualism and the caste Continue Reading →
Hazrat Inayat: El Logro Superior Es muy común que los estudiantes del camino se pregunten sobre su progreso. En este breve pasaje Hazrat Inayat Khan explica que no es posible Continue Reading →