Bullhe Shah: I have found out

In this lyric, the poet declares that he has found the Beloved in all names and forms.  ‘Tegh Bahadur’ was the ninth Sikh guru, named for his valour in battle and subsequently killed by the Emperor Aurangzeb; ‘Laila’ and ‘Majnun’ are the eastern ideal of love’; the ‘ascension’ mentioned in the final verse refers to the Miraj of the prophet Mohammad, in which he ascended to heaven and came face to face wth Allah.   For more about the Punjabi mystic and poet Bullhe Shah, please see this earlier post.

I have found out, I have found out, that it is you who have changed your form.

Here you are a Muslim and recite the scriptures. Here you are a devout Hindu and repeat your muttered prayers. Here you are plunged into a deep pit. You have displayed your affection in every house.

Here you are an enemy, here you are a friend.  Here you are a guru, here you are a disciple. Here you are Majnun, here you are Laila. You are contained in every body.

Here you are careless, here you are punctilious in prayer. Here you ascend the pulpit and preach a sermon. Here you are Tegh Bahadur, the warrior for faith. Here you have created your own way.

Here there is the business of the mosque. Here you have become a Hindu tempe. Here you are an ascetic wearing matted locks. Here you have come as a female Shaikh.

Bullha, I need the lord.  If I meet my sovereign, my task is fulfilled.  The sight of my beloved is my heavenly ascension.  I have fallen in love, so i sing this praise of him.

Tr. Christopher Shackle

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