On the 7th of May, 1921, a Divine inspiration was brought into form when the very first service was held in the Universal Worship, the Church of All and of All Churches. Candles were lit with reverence, scriptures of different traditions were devoutly read, and heartfelt prayers were offered to the One, the source of all Beauty. Readers will perhaps remember that the centenary of this historic moment was observed two years ago, and this year the event will again be marked by an online service, with the theme of ‘the religion of the heart.’ Details, including the link to join the service, are given below.
Truth is one, there is none other, and all forms of worship pay homage to the Unity beyond description. We sincerely hope you will be able to join sisters and brothers from around the world in this celebration of love, harmony and beauty.
You are warmly invited to join this online celebration of the 102nd anniversary of Universal Worship on Sunday 7th May, at
5am (Eugene); 7am (Bogota, Quito); 1pm (UK, Lisbon); 2pm (Amsterdam, Bergen); 10pm (Sydney).
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 864 6600 9004
Passcode: 826657