Glimpses : Murshid’s Majestic Personality

Here is another memoir of Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan from the collection “Once Upon a Time” by Murshid Hidayat Inayat Khan.

Murshid was like a Father to some of his disciples. To others, he was the ‘Murshid’, the spiritual guide. But all responded whether consciously or unconsciously, to the ‘Breath of the Message’, as symbolized by Murshid’s sublime radiance. His approach was with a smile. His words communicated happiness. His piercing glance was like a torch in the darkness. His loving presence was ever uplifting.

Hazrat Inayat Khan in a meditative moment, wearing the self-designed shervani mentioned below. This was one of Murshid Hidayat’s favourite pictures of his father.

Murshid used to say, ‘I don’t want to ever see my mureeds having a long face’. In fact, it really was impossible for anyone to have a long face in Murshid’s presence for longer than a few moments. Murshid would always turn an imaginary tragedy into a comedy, but he also saw the tragic side of an apparent comedy.

One could best illustrate Murshid’s loving personality as being a living example of tremendous intensity in all aspects of human expression, of Nobility and Majesty.

Murshid often went for short walks around the block, dressed very characteristically in a long black cloak, and with a kingly topi on his head. He also carried a walking stick with a very beautiful silver handle, and his black shoes were always spotlessly polished. Murshid’s ‘topi’, was specially made by our Mother, according to the design which our Father made himself. It was  a cross-model between the very noble Persian hat and the real, old aristocratic Russian one, which had much impressed ou Father during his visit to Moscow, where our sister Noorunissa was born, before the war of 1914..

Murshid’s shervani, or Indian costume, was also specially made by our Mother. It was also a cross-model between the Indian and the Russian traditions, which Murshid had also designed himself. It was black, like the topi, and was buttoned all the way down on the right side, with a high collar and a plaited rope around the waist, ending with tassels at both ends.

Murshid’s majestic appearance impressed so much the people of Suresnes that they used to stop in the streets and salute him, thinking that he was a king. When Murshid entered the tram, everyone stood up, offering most respectfully their seat. Wherever he went, people called Murshid ‘Le Roi’.

One Reply to “Glimpses : Murshid’s Majestic Personality”

  1. Huma

    I wish i had met him so much
    And yet
    He is in our hearts
    Thank you so much Murshid Nawab for these lovely posts, so special


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