The poem below was written by Kabir Koser, who is 8 years old, and is on the autistic spectrum. In the video, he offers prayers in four languages, generously including all those who take the time to watch.
I sometimes feel down like a dog without it’s bone
Or a tree without its leaves,
Because the work is too hard for me
It’s difficult for me to write
It’s difficult for me to draw
It’s difficult for me to colour in something I adore
I feel uncertain like a throw of a dice, that I might do something unwise
But when I say a prayer, this weight that’s on my back
Lifts off like a plane and I can begin to try again
I love saying “thy kingdom come, thy will be done”
I feel joy saying “Ek Ong kar, Satnam”
I feel peace with “Om Bhur Bhuvah Svah”
And I love ending with “Kufuwan ahadun”
My prayers keep me strong
And my prayers keep me wise
My prayers are my friends and
My prayers lift me up like a song
My heart sings with Allah, my heart sings with Jesus
My heart sings with Shiva, my heart sings with Waheguru
My heart sings with all the names and forms of God, I adore each and everyone.
What a beautiful attitude and a truth
My friends are my prayers
Thank you Nawab for sharing this
Thank you Murshid for sharing so lovely prayer. He reminds me that we all have the best friends. Ya Azis.
May God Bless Kabir.