Hazrat Inayat : The Message of Christ, pt I

The words of Christ in the Bible are: “I am Alpha and Omega”, which means ‘I am the First and the Last’. Would this then mean, ‘I came to earth only when I was called Jesus, I gave the message and went, and never came again?’ If that were the meaning of  ‘I am the Alpha and the Omega’ it would have no meaning. Really the meaning is: ‘I was and shall be’.

Now about the question that arises in the enquiring mind: “Who may this Alpha and Omega be?” What was he before Jesus Christ? What would he be like after the time of Jesus Christ?” For those who put the water of the ocean in a pitcher, that water is from the ocean but really the ocean is the ocean. For those of the different creeds, who have different forms of worship and dogmas, say: “ This is the teaching of Christ”. Yes it is true, but it is not all the teaching of Christ. It is as true as to say : “ This is the ocean” if one brought water from the ocean in a pitcher– it is true, but there is an ocean. This shows that a shield called Jesus Christ brought the message. It was the shield that was Jesus. This is the secret of that Alpha and Omega spirit of Christ. If one could only see that spirit hidden behind different shields, one would be constantly in the vision of Christ. In the smile of the innocent child, there is a Christ; in the warmth of the mother’s heart for her child, Christ is hidden; in that unselfish, self-sacrificing love of the father, there Christ shows himself; in the kindly attitude of a friend, you can see the spirit of Christ. What beauty, tenderness, gentleness, is there which has not the spirit of Christ?

From those who keep Christ away from them, He is far, but in reality they have covered their eyes themselves. It is not the fault of Christ, it is their own fault—not that of Christ who speaks in the whisper of the wise people of the centuries, who speaks aloud in the voice of the Prophet, the Warner who comes now and then—the same, coming sometimes, sometimes hiding himself, the same always. Man’s doubt and scepticism prevent his seeing him. When Christ came in the form of Jesus, those who saw him did not recognise him.

Another side to consider is that the idea of miracles is attached to the person of Christ. In reality the greatest miracle of Christ that any wise man can see is the miracle of Christ’s living heart—not wonder-working but the living God presented to the world. It was the lighted faith which helped the darkness to vanish, not dogmas or doctrines or theories; all that came afterwards. He went to the fishermen and said to them: “Come hither, I will make you fishermen of men.”What does it mean? Does ‘fishers of men’ mean fishers of money? No, he meant by this: ’Let love be alive in your hearts, that the whole world may become your customers.’

If you analyse what he said, what he taught was very simple. It was not elaborate words and theories, there was not any great literary skill. What was it? It was the depth of his being. In the Bible it is often said the revelation came with fiery tongue. What does it mean? If the heart is burning, the flame comes in a word.

To be continued…

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