Hazrat Inayat : Why do we meditate?

The sun sets, the moon wanes, the spring passes, the year ends. I asked life to tell me of our destination. It said: “I live forever”.

It is the realisation of life’s immortality which is our true end by our esoteric study and practices. By an intellectual study one might realise the immortality of the soul; but when one is not conscious of the soul, one cannot be fully benefited by this knowledge, which is most high. It does not make one happy to think or to say that, “my soul is immortal”, as long as one has not realised one’s soul. It is the realisation of the soul which gives one the conviction of immortality.

There are two stages that the Sufi has to go through. The one stage is Yaqeen, the next stage is Iman. Yakeen is the stage in which one perfectly believes, without the slightest doubt that, “my soul is immortal”. Iman is the stage when one is convinced by one’s own realisation, when one is the witness of one’s own immortality.

What are we to attain by meditation? Is it power that we attain, is it inspiration that we wish to attain? No, it is the vision of our true being that we desire most; it is to see our innermost self face to face. In this we experience the Presence of God, for we seek no longer the rewards of the Heavens, our pursuit is to find the God within ourselves. Therefore it is necessary for every initiate to understand that our soul’s aim in our esoteric studies and practices is to become acquainted with the life which is living as a running current through the circle of Eternity.

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