Ibn Ata’illah : For You are responsible for me

For more about the 13th c. Egyptian Sufi and sage Ibn Ata’illah, see this earlier post.

My God,
how can You leave me to myself,
for You are responsible for me?
And how could I be harmed while You are my Ally?
Or how could I be disappointed in You,
my Welcomer?
Here I am seeking to gain access to You
by means of my need of You.
How could I seek to gain access to You
by means of what cannot possibly reach You?
Or how can I complain to You of my state,
for it is not hidden from You?
Or how can I express myself to You in my speech,
since it comes from You and goes forth to You?
Or how can my hopes be dashed,
for they have already reached You?
Or how can my states not be good,
for they are based on You and go to You?

Translation Victor Danner

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