Mahadevi: O Lord White as Jasmine

Here are two poems by Akka Mahadevi, the mystic from Karnataka, India.  For more about her, see this earlier post.  The second poem implies the very typical sort of conversation a young woman might have with her mother, especially in India, about possible marriage partners, and makes clear Mahadevi’s rejection of social conventions; her husband is ‘Chenna Mallikarjuna’, the Lord White as Jasmine, an epithet for Shiva.

You’re like milk
In water: I cannot tell
What comes before,
What after;
Which is the master,
Which is the slave;
What’s big.
What’s small.

O lord white as jasmine
If an ant should love you
And praise you.
Will he not grow
To demon powers?

* * *

I have fallen in love, O mother with the
Beautiful One, who knows no death,
knows no decay and has no form;

I have fallen in love, O mother with the
Beautiful One, who has no middle, has
no end, has no parts and has no features;

I have fallen in love, O mother with the
Beautiful One, who knows no birth and
knows no fear.

I have fallen in love, O mother with the
Beautiful One, who is without any family,
without any country and without any peer;
Chenna Mallikarjuna, the Beautiful, is my husband.
Fling into the fire the husbands who are subject
to death and decay.

2 Replies to “Mahadevi: O Lord White as Jasmine”

  1. Huma

    Beloved Murshid thank you for posting the inspired verses of this woman , so powerful! And radical for her times! I am in the country side and have a bad conection so forgive me if i am posting my comment twice as i tried earlier but not sure it got to its destination… In her verse on the ant and the demon powers, what does she mean?Thank you and Happy New year to all !

    • Nawab Pasnak Post author

      Dearest Huma, thank you! And it looks like your message only arrived once.
      Regarding the question about the ant and the powers, perhaps it means that if something as small and insignificant as an ant would worship the ‘Lord White as Jasmine’, that worship would magnify the ant into something vast, enormous, with the awesome power of a demon. And we could ask: if a human had such a belief, what would she or he become?
      with loving greetings,


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